Spooned & Spotted: Kellogg’s Donut Shop Cereal (Chocolate & Pink)

Kellogg's Donut Shop Cereal Boxes Chocolate and Pink

Okay fine, Kellogg’s, I’ll forgive you for egregiously misspelling “Doughnut” as “Donut.” Sure, it’s grammatically correct, but removing the “UGH” removes the rounded pastry’s inherent charm, making me vocally say…you guessed it: “Grrr! Arghh! Zounds!”

Even a pedant like me can’t stay mad when there are two new doughnutty cereals hitting the market. We’ve known that this Chocolate Donut Cereal was coming for a while now, but the surprise debut of Pink Donut Cereal, seen in this photo from a Marc’s store that was sent in by reader GM, has left me tickled pink.

So what does “pink” taste like? Well if it’s anything like “blue,” then I’m ready for it. It could mean strawberry, plain frosting, Chicken McNugget Pink Slime, or even Canadian Birthday Cake (a reader noticed the visual similarity between Pink Donut Cereal and a certain Froot Loops flavor). Whatever it is, I’ll still happily crunch away, because cereal renditions of my favorite breakfast baked good are hard to crumb by these days.

Thanks again to GM for the photo. If you have a cool cereal photo of your own to share, or if you just want to fax me a fresh doughnut, roll over to our Submissions page.


3 responses »

  1. Yesterday was a big donut day for me. I had Pink Donut Shop (first time, thanks Walmart) for breakfast and Sprinkled Donut Crunch for dinner.

    I found the palm oil in Pink Donut a little offputting and coconutty. Moreso on the smell than the taste. Then I realized Sprinkled Donut Crunch also has palm oil and that never bothered me.

    The look of Pink Donut reminds me of old Apple Jacks, which was a plus. At no time did I ever imagine I was eating donuts, but it was pretty good. I’d probably get it again.

    I didn’t bother with Chocolate Donuts because I already don’t buy Cocoa Puffs or Cocoa Krispies.

  2. Know what I also find amusing? The pictures on the boxes are EXACTLY the same. Only a different hue on the “Os” in each of the bowls.

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