The Empty Bowl Episode Seventeen: Gummin’ Goldfish

What do polygonal cereals, powdered pillows, and and the graham-focused platform of The Cereal Movement have in common?

They’re all talking points—or at least blunt edges—in The Empty Bowl’s latest 30-minute lullaby. For those tragically high-strung few who’ve yet to decompress with our light and loose explorations of variously dense cereals, clear your mind and schedule: crunch time has never felt so blissful.

In this episode, Justin and I hype up a potential new Golden Age for Lucky Charms, get oily with Chocolate Peanut Butter Pops, and cool off with a couple iced cereal beverage ideas.

If you want to keep up The Cereal Movement’s momentum, you can find more bubbly cereal soapboxes at our Anchor hub, follow along on Twitter, or send in a listener question. We can’t discuss or respond to every email, but they’ll be your birthday gift to me.

2 responses »

  1. Dan, Happy Birthday. I hope you are having a good one. I am, because thanks to you and a series of lucky circumstances, I am eating a bowl of South Korean Oreo O’s as I type this.

    My and my twin’s birthday is tomorrow. She just moved to Missoula, MT, and your relaxing podcast is something we can share over the distance (I live in Georgia).

    I have no gift, but I will share what I think is the best cereal ever: Post Honey Ohs! My partner has made a tradition of using an empty box of these as gift wrap for my birthday for the last three years or so.

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