Cereal Time with Gabe Fonseca: Honey Nut Cheerios with Florida Honey and Olympics Cereals

Are you hungry to unwrap a couple early Christmas presents? Well look no further than the latest two entries we want to share from modern day cereal Santa Claus Gabe Fonseca’s (by “cereal Santa Claus, I mean in terms of giving great gifts, not in terms of appearance, of courseĀ šŸ˜‰) Cereal Time YouTube series. Cereal Time provides a list of nostalgic and fun cereal tribute videos that’s longer than Santa’s naughty list after Happy Hour.

The first video to share is about a very special box of Honey Nut Cheerios. And no, I don’t mean that lucky box of Cheerios that you ate for breakfast on the same morning you won $500 on a scratch off ticket.

I’m sureĀ that video’s coming later.

No, this rare box of HNC was made with genuine Florida honey and was released as a tie-in with a recent campaign in which General Mills made a “living billboard” filled with bees (sounds like the start of a bad Nicolas Cage horror movie).Ā These boxes were given out to a selectĀ few lucky recipients, including Gabe. You’ll have to watch to see what he thinks of this now mythic, one of a kind honey talisman!

Oh, and guess who’s still unhappily buzzingĀ aboutĀ notĀ getting a box?

Today’s second Cereal Time gem really does contain a lot of precious metals and medals. It’s all about Olympics-themed cereals, and Gabe walks us through the rich and athletic history of sugary cereals that pay tribute to sweaty, nationally beloved activities.

As someone who spends his free time writing about cereal and mumbling about limited edition Oreos under his breath, it might come as a surprise that I don’t know much about sports. So while watching this video, all I could think was, “Gee, that USA Olympic Crunch torch marshmallow sure looks a lot like King Vitaman!”

If you likeĀ Gabe’s videos and wanna give ’em a proverbial (or literal) gold medal, every Cereal Time video can be foundĀ here, and you can check out Gabe’s Twitter, as well.

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