News: Hershey Kisses Cereal and Trolls Trix with Marshmallows

New Hershey's Kisses Cereal & Trolls Trix with Marshmallows

Never before has a new cereal pairing sounded so much like a Cosmopolitan quiz.

Are you a Kiss, or a Troll? We can tell you in one question

And that question would be something along the lines of:

If you could pick a sexy location for making whoopie, which would you choose:

A) The bathroom at a fancy fondue joint
B) Under a dumpy bridge

No matter your alignment, I think it’s tough to be upset with either of General Mills’ two upcoming cereals—which we know about thanks entirely to @sega_retro_revival.

General Mills’ Hershey’s Kisses Cereal

Because first off, while a corn-puffed cereal based on what is (somewhat ironically) Hershey’s most vanilla confection may sound equally uninspired, just look at the shape of those pieces! For so long, I’ve deeply believed that cereal shape innovation is neolithically lagging behind innovative flavor development, so stabbing the roof of my mouth with these milky pyramids will taste so, so sweet. And probably a little metallic.

Plus, General Mills’ last co-branded Hershey’s cereal was a hit, both for breakfast and to my stomach lining.

General Mills’ Trolls World Tour Trix with Marshmallows

Arguably more exciting is Trix x Trolls World Tour with Marshmallows cereal, a clunkily named concoction that I will now only refer to as Trolls Trix, as it makes me think of many such deceitful riddles proposed by odious dungeon dwellers.

Though it may sound unbelievable considering today’s over-‘mallow-ification of cereal, Trix has never before been mixed with marbits—a choice that is perhaps more interesting than earlier marshmallow integrations, because Trix has a slight citrusy bite that will hopefully contrast with straight-up sugar a little more harmoniously than the likes of Frosted Flakes.

That is, if Trolls Trix are the same flavor as normal Trix—rather than unicolored spheres or the ever-beloved fruit shapes, here we get swirled spheres and marshmallows alike, harkening back to the year 2009’s Trix Swirls, or perhaps the tie-dyed temptation cycloning inside every Trix Yogurt cup.

All that said, there’s no confirmed release date for either of these yet. With Trolls World Tour hitting theaters in April 2020, I’d guess we’ll be able to taste this hallucinogenically hare-raising stuff around the start of the year. Given that, only one question remains:

Will my Empty Bowl co-host Justin and his fellow McElroy Brothers be in Trolls 2 Trix Cereal?

6 responses »

  1. ha – had forgotten i commented on here – i *have* managed to get them in the UK and am not that into them. The corn pieces do not taste like Trix to me. There is a signature aroma when you open a the bag, that for me takes me right back to family vacations & this is a totally different smell, and its not just the marshmallows. weird.

  2. I hope that Trix + Trolls World Tour cereal lives up to its appearance and doesn’t look like one thing while tasting like another. There’s nothing worse than getting trix trolled.

  3. Wow the trix sound amazing – it’s hard to get regular trix in the UK (my friend got me some from the US) so prob unlikley i’ll get to try these but they look very cool (i love the design colours)

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