News: Post & Dunkin’ Donuts Caramel Macchiato Cereal will be Caffeinated!

Dunkin' Donuts Caramel Macchiato Cereal

Okay, okay, okay. I don’t have much time to finish this post—stop rushing me! There are only so many hours in a day and I’ve had four cups of coffee to prepare for this news and and and and and…sorry I was just writing to the beat of my heart and I don’t want Mavis Beacon to be disappointed if I don’t hit the right cardiovascular words per minute ahhhhh I’m sorry Mavis! Please don’t tell Mario.

Deep breaths, Dan. Deep breaths. And deep cups of water. You can do this.

While I sweat out this Caligulan caffeine rush, let your own eyes glisten tears of joy at the above box art. Yes, according to a trusted product surveyor under the alias Gorgnull (thanks!), we now know that Post and Dunkin’ Donuts are teaming up for an upcoming Caramel Macchiato cereal.

This is exciting for a number of reasons, in descending order:

5) We’ve already seen Dunkin’ Donuts collaboration potential with another cereal company—I guess their alliances are easily $wayed—so I have high hopes for what’s brewing here.

4) We’ve also seen that Post is amping up their collaboration game, with no respect paid to traditional cereal flavor boundaries. Truly a compliment, I hope this opens the foodie floodgates for the likes of (off the top of my tongue) M&M’s and Starburst to join the cereal fun.

3) There have hardly been any coffee cereals, let alone a caramel one, so this is a deliciously un-spelunked niche.

2) Dunkin’ Donuts already had a cereal, and it is lovingly remembered by doughnutheads (is that the right term?) everywhere, so this could be a quasi-nostalgic, quasi-innovative groundbreaker.

1) It’s caffeinated, duh! Unlike General Mills’ Mocha Crunch, DD’s Caramel Macchiato Cereal could revolutionize the way I get energized and dehydrated before 9am. If I eat it with almond milk, that’s practically water, right?

It remains to be seen what the actual taste would be—the cereal’s geometry reminds me of Malt-O-Meal (aka Post)’s best cereal of the year so far—or how its risky twist will work with cereal-loving, already-naturally-caffeinated children. But all I’ll say is that if a mom buys this cereal without knowing about its caffeine content, she’s welcome to mail it to me (a human dumpster) instead of a real dumpster.

Because I’m already eyeing that fifth cup of joe, and if it doesn’t have a marshmallowy crunch, I might have to eat the lid.

6 responses »

  1. I AM SO DANG SAD ABOUT THIS!!! Catching up on really old episodes of The Empty Bowl (please don’t judge me) and I wanted to find this cereal that you said a year ago was coming.

    • Nope, I think it’s fair to assume that based on the trustworthiness of the source, this was a real, planned product that never made it to shelves—not really surprising, given the nutritional risk factors of caffeine in cereal.

  2. These sound interesting. I wasn’t a fan of the Mocha Crunch cereal, but these look like they may be better. Not really a fan of corn based cereals, but I’ll give this one a try whenever it hits the shelves. Hopefully, Walmart or Target will carry it.

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