Review: Kellogg’s Limited Edition Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch

Limited Edition Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch Cereal Box

Well, you know what this means, folks. Now that I’ve reviewed Pumpkin Spice Cheerios and Pumpkin Spice Life, once I review this Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch, I’ll have tried every new pumpkin spice cereal, and 2016’s pumpkin spice season will be over.

Harvesters will cease harvesting. Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte taps will run dry. And maniacally grinning jack-o-lanterns will become mild mannered office workers once more.

Nah, I’m just kidding. We all know there’ll be a million new pumpkin spice breakfast bars, Greek yogurts, and Greek yogurt-filled breakfast bars on shelves before I even click the “Publish” button on this post.

But while we wait for that Nutri-Grain Bar Nutri-nitty-gritty to befall us, let’s fall into a bowl of pumpkin spice Special K instead.

Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch is packed with a lot of spices, but it still only has 4 of pumpkin spice’s iconic 5: allspice, nutmeg, ginger, and cinnamon. After its resounding success in Pumpkin Spice Cheerios, cloves is nowhere to be found. This is probably for the best, since I can only assume that bringing all 5 pumpkin spices together in a single cereal would cause some sort of breakfast cataclysm—worse than having all 5 pieces of Exodia, all 7 Chaos Emeralds, and all 7 Dragon Balls.

The only worse calamity would be putting me in a room with 7 high school bullies who don’t appreciate my geeky references.

Limited Edition Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch Cereal

But while we’re on the topic of pumpkin spice tragedies, let’s get back to my pumpkin spice Special K. It may not be tragic or apocalyptic, but there is a lot wrong here. As usual, I enjoy the size, density, and crunchiness of Special K’s rice and wheat flakes. But this time, the flakes’ mild, earthy flavor and light, brown sugar syrup sweetness is coated with an additional waxy glaze that tastes like, well, actual pumpkin spice-scented candle wax.

As I eat a spoonful of Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch, the cereal’s herbal spices hit quickly and potently. Then they burn out just as fast, leaving behind a twist of anise bitterness and a mouthful of “meh” flake flecks.

I think something is off with the spice balance in this cereal. Cinnamon and nutmeg should dominate, but instead, there’s way too much ginger and allspice—two spices that should be used in extreme moderation. The whole experience felt like a punch in the mouth from a pissed-off gingerbread man who caught me trying to eat him 4 months too early.

Limited Edition Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch Cereal Oat Clusters

Despite this, I foraged on, hoping that Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch’s promised spice clusters could redeem it. And I foraged for a long, long time. These suckers do taste better than the flakes, but they’re so hard to find that you’d think Voldemort himself chose them as his Halloween Horcruxes.

These clusters have a crispy oat base and a creamy yogurt coating. If you’re one of the 3 other people in the Milky Way galaxy who remembers Yogos Bits, these have the same texture, just with a gingery cinnamon twist. But if your brain isn’t stuffed with obscure snack food memories like me, imagine a little bite-sized nub of pumpkin spice Greek yogurt with honey granola mixed in.

Despite their comparative tastiness, these clusters are just too small and rare to outweigh the dry spiciness of the flakes. Even with two clusters in a spoonful, it’s like fighting a forest fire with a knock-off Super Soaker from a seedy dollar store.

Limited Edition Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch Cereal with Milk

Adding milk marginally improves Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch by diluting the strong spices with creaminess, but even then, I can’t really recommend it. Don’t get me wrong, there are things I like about this cereal—especially its subtle blend of honey & molasses—but every other pumpkin spice breakfast option out there is better.

Why? Because while Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch may have spice out the wazoo, it doesn’t have any pumpkin flavor!

In a last, desperate attempt to remedy my cereal’s lack of pumpkin, I cracked open a can of Libby’s pumpkin puree and gave my flakes a pasty bath.

Limited Edition Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch Cereal with Canned Pumpkin Puree

Uh, not my best idea. Unsweetened canned pumpkin is about as palatable as a leftover brick of Circus Peanuts from Halloween 2015, so my mound of pumpkin and cereal tasted like a spaghetti squash with a burning stick of inside jammed inside.

Oh well, I’m not incensed about it. I’ll probably just call the rest of this orange goop pile “Postmodern Autumn Art” and sell it on eBay.


The Bowl: Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch

The Breakdown: Despite its hearty crunch, fun clusters, and all-star spice cast, this overly herbal hodge-podge should’ve just been named “Special K Spice Crunch.” Special K fans should stick with Apple Cinnamon Crunch instead, which is returning for 2016.

The Bottom Line: 5 wistful Yogos Bits memories out of 10

(Quick Nutrition Facts: 120 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 9 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein per 3/4 cup serving.)

***If, somehow, you aren’t tired of reading the words “Special K Pumpkin Spice Crunch,” our friends at Junk Banter have a great review, too!***

11 responses »

  1. This pumpkin spice cereal is wonderful!! I love pumpkin! I wish it wasn’t limited edition. I guess I will have to get several boxes to stockpile before they stop making it!

  2. That cereal with the pumpkin puree looks amazing! Maybe you should have used pumpkin pie filling. That wouldn’t be the healthiest breakfast though.

  3. OMG -I cannot believe these negative reviews. I bought 2 boxes of Special K Pumpkin Spice, and they are absolutely fabulous! Perfect taste of pumpkin- crisp big flakes – the best ever! I always buy the fruit and Yogurt but I am adding this amazing new product to our favorites!! I even ate some without milk. Perfect snack and perfect flavor! Going back for more today. I just hope they keep making it.

  4. I loved the taste of this pumkin spice special k I just wish it was easy to find I got it at shop and save once now it’s nowhere and it’s so sad because it’s a limited time only

  5. Hope I can find this cereal before it’s gone for the season. My daughter in PA told me how good it is. I have been to three stores in the area and have not been able to find it.

  6. I dont love pumkin however i completely disagree with the author this cereal is heaven it tastes like pumkin pie more then plain pumkin and i enjoyed it so much that i’m gonna have to stock up on it for the winter when its not in season anymore since its a limited edition. I ran out of it yesterday and ran to my local target because i had a craving for its delicous taste yum cant get enough.

  7. this was so disappointing! the flakes tasted like plain old special k flakes.. i didn’t even taste pumpkin spices. the yogurt covered things are pretty damn good, but, like you said, rare to find in the box. what a shame.

    • I agree with you, Kaîtlyn. I noticed the same thing. I added cinnamon to mine, and it gave it some flavor since the flakes were bland.

    • Pumpkin spice cereal (and any limited edition cereal, really) doesn’t always seem to reach Canada at the same time as it does here in the U.S. I would check Target if you have one near you.

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