Review: Nature’s Path Golden Turmeric Cereal

Nature's Path Golden Turmeric Cereal Review Box

I only know three things about turmeric:

1. It reminds me of elementary school (and two days ago) Neopets favorite Turmac Roll.

2. It’s in a lot of hip dishes that a man of my economic stature has no business even observing through any organ from the sinuses down.

3. My mom once bought a full bottle of it, and after realizing she didn’t know what to do with it, left it to hibernate for years behind the expired taco seasoning packets, like an auburn hermit.

And I guess I also know that Nature’s Path’s Golden Turmeric cereal is the first cereal of its kind. Combining thick, Tostitos Scoops-shaped flakes with turmeric, honey, cinnamon, and flakes of coconut, this smorgasbord of snappy spice promises to educate my palate like a benevolent Gordon Ramsay fresh out of the convent.

So without further ado, let’s see whether sugar, spice, and everything nice play nice here.

Nature's Path Golden Turmeric Cereal Review

Well I’m glad that Golden Turmeric Cereal’s healthy, all-organic connotations will ensure no impressionable youth ever get their paste-encrusted mitts on it, because if they did, they’d probably start some dumb and dangerous Internet challenge.

Because even after one concentrated spoonful, I could tell there was no chance I could stomach these golden shards without milk.

These things are gingery, and I don’t use that term gingerly.

Of course, I can’t tell if this is a result of the actual added ginger, or the turmeric itself, which does taste bitterly but somehow more earthenly like ginger.

But either way, this cereal hits me like the emotional resonance of an early 2000s red-headed Nickelodeon protagonist. Hot, punchy, and herbally tart, this cereal lives up to the supposed medicinal properties of its title ingredient.

I could tell you about all the flavorful subtleties of Golden Turmeric Cereal, but from the light ribbons of floral sweetness to the pops of familiarly cozy cinnamon, it’s hard to savour anything that isn’t cauterizingly potent ging-meric—except for maybe an enlightening few waves of tempering golden-toasted grain.

Nature's Path Golden Turmeric Cereal Review Milk

And while Golden Turmeric Cereal does indeed improve in milk, it’s kind of like the Most Improved Award they gave me in JV cross country, meaning it goes from last place, to a slightly less embarrassing second to last place, after the kid who foolishly ate a donut for breakfast that morning and petered out somewhere in the woods around the 2-mile marker.

Not that I’d know how he feels either.

Milk tempers the ginger floodwaters into more of a sizzling babble of woody spice, which, though I wouldn’t eat it daily, reminds me of those ginger candies that everyone but me seems to love.

The biggest tragedy is the total absence of coconut flavor from the copiously strewn slivers of it. At least the honey gets a participation ribbon.

So I suppose Golden Turmeric Cereal could appeal to someone with a tongue like a whole armadillo, but my taste buds were far too sensitive to really enjoy it—especially because, with enough balance tweaks, this could’ve been a healthier Gingerbread Toast Crunch.

I love Nature’s Path, but I think they may have strayed a little too far from the…you know…on this one.

At least now I can visit home and tell my mom what to do with her turmeric, which is don’t.

The Bowl: Nature’s Path Golden Turmeric Cereal

The Breakdown: If you’ve ever wanted pepper in your cereal, have it. Points for originality, but the rest of us are better off drowning gingerbread men in our Cinnamon Frosted Flakes.

The Bottom Line: 2.5 doughnuttian regrets out of 10

12 responses »

  1. I love this cereal and I am really not a cereal eater. It’s delicious and healthy at the same time. I also noticed that it holds me longer between meals. It’s on the expensive side, but so worth it. I read a lot of people are having trouble finding it. If you are near a Publix, they carry it.

  2. Your review is witty and funny, but my whole family disagrees with you. We all love this cereal. Our Costco carried it until a month ago. Now we have to buy it (more expensively) from the health food store. Oh well, we are willing to pay more.

  3. This is such a good cereal. Not sure about the reviewer’s taste buds. What we all want in food is flavor. This has plenty of flavor AND crunch – a bonus! I wish Costco would carry it again. They are quick to try a product, then drop it.

  4. I love the cereal. I found this article because I was searching for where I could buy it when I didn’t find it in Costco. I don’t remember ever searching for a cereal brand before. In addition to the flavor and the crunch, it is a cereal I can enjoy without repercussions of wheat sensitivity. It may not be for everyone, but I will buy it wherever I can find it.

  5. I might need to stock up after reading the reviews above mentioning it being sold out everywhere! I just bought this at my local Costco and am slightly obsessed! Not sure what other foods the blogger typically consumes, but I do understand turmeric is not a taste for everybody, so that may explain their disapproval of this. I very rarely eat cereal but my daughter had a sample of a new “health cereal” at Costco and requested to have cereal as a special treat for breakfast. I read the ingredients of this cereal they were sampling out and I was horrified at the ingredients and nutrition facts. I decided to check out any other options down the aisle and discovered this gem! So glad she got a cereal craving, otherwise I would’ve never tried these. I’ll be adding it on top of our yogurt and making some grab and go cereal bars from it now 🙂

  6. I agree with Anita… we love this and can’t find it any more. Even the Natures Path website is sold out. I found one box available when I called sprouts, they held it for me. Lol. I really hope they haven’t discontinued it. Guess it is just an acquired taste.

  7. I disagree with your review! We love turmeric, cook with it etc. We thinks this cereal is very tasty! So I wonder why every site I go to on the internet to try to order it, it’s SOLD OUT!! Can’t even find it in my local health food stores! Costco carried it for a few months and now they can’t even get it in there store!

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