Special: Cereal Time with Gabe Fonseca — Golden Grahams

♬ Oh those Golden Graha—

We interrupt this catchy jingle for a special Cerealously report! The breaking news has just rolled in that cereal visionary Gabe Fonseca has released the latest in his informative Cereal Time YouTube series, which brings fun facts and history about a different cereal each week directly to to your doorstep. Err…computer screen, I mean.

Throw away those expensive textbooks, kids: this is the last educational reference you’ll ever need.

This week’s bowl is the delightfully flavored and textured Golden Grahams. As Gabe accurately states, Golden Grahams have been underrated for too long, so it’s nice to see them finally get the spotlight. For whatever reason, GG always plays second fiddle to its swirly brother, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, which gets all the flavor spin-offs (Peanut Butter Toast Crunch, French Toast Crunch, etc.). Golden Grahams, meanwhile, gets nothing. You lose, Golden Grahams: good day sir!

I, personally, would love to see a s’mores variant of Golden Grahams, or perhaps a seasonal pumpkin spice. But it’s as the saying goes, I guess: always the bridesmaid, Golden Grahams, never the cinnamon-swirled bride.

(Though I will argue that delightfully lick-able ridges trump swirls and powder every time)

As before, enjoy Gabe’s video (how else will you learn about what is perhaps the cutest and most obscure cereal mascot of all time?), and be sure to check out the rest of the Cereal Time series, as well as Gabe’s Twitter profile.

We now return to your previously scheduled jingle.

—ms. Graham cracker tastin’ cereal! ♪

One response »

  1. Although the famous “Golden Grahams” isn’t something a cereal lover like me hasn’t already heard about yet, it was never really on top of my “to try”-list. But after watching the cereal time episode and finally got what they really are (Toast Crunchs with HONEY!!! flavor instead of cinnamon) i really need to try them ^^
    (in hope they aren’t as disappointing than orginal cheerios ^^)

    I have to admit, that (of course) i also like cinnamon toast crunchs, although not thaaaaat much (my girlfriend loves them btw), but beeing able to get them with honey or caramel (which would be awesome) is amazing…

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