Special: Cereal Time with Gabe Fonseca — Powerpuff Girls Cereal & Reese’s Puff Cereal

With monster cereals, selfie spoons, Canadian Cheerios and more, it’s been a busy season for cereal already.

That’s why this week we want to share with you the latest two installments in Gabe Fonseca’s serial cereal series (try saying that 5 times fast with a mouth full of Reese’s Puffs). If you’re new to the series, prepare to have your senses inundated with nostalgia, cartoon commercials, and oddly specific memories of stealing your sister’s Powerpuff Girls Game Boy game just to play it in secret.

Wait, that last one was just me?

That’s right, Gabe’s first video covers 2000’s short-lived Powerpuff Girls cereal. While 2015 has given us sugar, pumpkin spice, and everything nice, this cereal was innovating in a whole different way. Pre-dating last year’s similar Poppin’ Pebbles, Powerpuff Girls cereal had Rice Krispies-esque pieces that quite literally Snap, Crackled, and Popped, as clusters were covered in colorful bits that, like Pop Rocks, sizzled, fizzled, and other verbs that end in “-izzle.”

Snoop Dogg would be proud.

Meanwhile, Gabe’s second video covers a much more long-lasting and fan-favorited cereal: Reese’s Puffs! Well known for its rapping commercials, Reese’s Puffs has still somehow never made the logical next step to secure an endorsement from “Reese’s Puff Daddy.”

Reese’s Puffs need little explanation, since I’m sure nearly all of you are familiar with the delicious, alternating chocolate and salty peanut butter orbs (though, as Gabe mentions, they used to be all peanut butter!).

And though Gave drops a reference to E.T. and Reese’s Pieces, all that was conspicuously missing was a shot of E.T. cereal from the ’80s, which featured E and T shaped pieces flavored like, you guessed it, the chocolate and peanut butter of Reese’s Pieces!

But like E.T. cereal, Gabe’s videos are an out of this world delight. Be sure to check them all out here and check out Gabe’s Twitter, as well.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to take the next step and try a bowl of Reese’s miniature cups with milk.

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