Spooned & Spotted: Cap’n Crunch’s Christmas Crunch (2018)

I know Christmas-colored Cap’n Crunch cereal looks so tasty you could swallow a box in a single spoonful, but come on: cough it up.

No, not the cereal. And not you, dear reader, either. I’m talking to Quaker, Post, and the rest of the Elder Quartet of Cereal Corps.

They need to cough up a couple Xboxes, or at least some good tube socks (silky ones!), because if Big Cereal wants to keep bringing holiday season cereals into prime ‘stumin’ season—that’s costumin’ for the un-apostrophed time spenders out there—they better give me gifts all October long.

Seriously, is it that tough for Kellogg’s to fill my burlap autumn stockings with a gallon of grade-A E.L. Fudge filling?

Especially since Quaker seems to be continuing its streak of repeating the same Christmas Crunch art for multiple year cycles, as evidenced by this early box found by Dad Bod Snacks on Instagram.

Definitely more naughty than nice, this is the third year Cap’n Crunch’s iconic yuletide Crunch Berries variant—which really doesn’t taste any different—will be using the once amazing, but now slightly stale Christmas Vacation-style box art.

You’d think futzing with those lights for long enough would light a creative spark in the ol’ Cap’n.

So while I’ll have to hold out another year for the Elf and A Christmas Story Crunchological parodies I keep imagining—with Crunch Berries shaped like legs and syruped spaghetti—it’s good to know that if the early November blahs get to me, I can plunker down with the Cap’n and some eggnog and have a merry time.

Though it’d be merrier if the nog was spiked with elven sandwich cookie innards.

3 responses »

  1. The flavors haven’t changed but I slightly disagree on it tasting the same. I personally get really excited about Capn Crunch holiday shapes (Halloween is good too) because it’s the ONLY time they provide a good ratio of crunch-berries to yellow-nuggets. The normal crunch-berry cereal is like 55/45 crunch-berries, where these holiday ones are a more flavor balanced 35/65. A small difference, but I can taste it!

  2. just be happy you folks in the USA have these cereals …we CANUCKS ONLY have regular CAP’n … would be awesome if the marketing brains at QUAKER CANADA could bring any other flavour here !!!!… very confusing read above … thxs

  3. I loved the Clark Griswold reference, the first time i saw the box art, but yeah… it’s time to change the box art.

    If the box art is the only thing you can change every year… you should… just my 2 cents 😀


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