Spooned & Spotted: South Korean RED Oreo O’s!

South Korean RED Chocolate Strawberry Oreo O's Cereal Box

If you read yesterday’s review of Mega Stuf Oreo O’s and were equally miffed by its tepid take on the Oreo cookie’s fantastically vast sea of cereal possibilities, then I’ve got some good news for you—from across the widest ocean.

Perhaps sensing a disturbance in the cosmic balance of Oreo O goodness, the South Korean makers of the world’s finest sandwich cookie cereal have emerged from their hermetic caves of creativity with a new flavor worthy of the Seal of Oreo Imagination.

Channeling Taylor Swift, these new Oreo O’s dub themselves only as RED, leaving the breakfaster to interpret whether they are flavored with strawberries or the ichor of the Oreo O’s mascot’s vanquished enemies—whom he has presumably leveled with a milk tidal wave caused by a seismic body slam.

Not only are the omnipresent marshmallows tinted a charming rose-quartz, but the thick Oreo O rings—which you’ll notice are far different than America’s Oreo O’s—also bear clusters of red blood cells instead of white.

But wait, that’s not all!

Peanut Butter O's Cereal South Korea Oreo O's Cereal Mascot

As friend-of-Cerealously Luke R. (who is ever so generously sending me both of the above cereals) let me know, Post of South Korea has also dropped a new Peanut Butter O’s cereal. Like the brand’s earlier Honey O’s, these buttery rounds don’t bear the sacred Oreo moniker, but they awesomely preserve the mascot’s presence. Whether or not this nameless blob who shares my hairstyle has become a broader company mascot for Post SK, I’m just glad he’s getting continued spotlight. Here’s hoping he makes it back to stateside boxes some time soon…

…and stars in a 3D platforming game set in a Breath of the Wild-style open-world Oreo imaginarium…

…so he can be the next Smash Bros. DLC character.

3 responses »

  1. Watch Nameless Blob merely end up as an alt for the inevitable Gooigi inclusion in Super Smash Bros. Extra Ultimate. 🙁

  2. The US has roughly 6 x the population of South Korea and Post is an American company, so why is it that America gets shorted when it comes to variety??? I see the same kind of disparity with other brands as well, Kit Kat, Pringles, Pepsi, just to name a few. I’ve always wondered why we don’t get all of the interesting stuff.

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