Tag Archives: throwbox

Cereal Throwbox – Part 1!

Cereal Throwbox

Ahh, Saturday: essentially the sacred day of cereal, its mornings are culturally cemented as temporal offerings to both cereal and cartoons, while its late nights are perfect for some midnight snacking.

So what better day than cereal’s soulbound Saturday to kick off another attempt at extracurricular site content?

Long backstory short, my friend, cereal box collector, and frequent Cerealously ally Gabe Fonseca sent me some old boxes he had doubles of. This was some two years ago, but after misplacing and rediscovering the boxes in storage (sorry Gabe!), I finally feel ready to give these long expired gems a fresh look.

So welcome to Cereal Throwbox, a period flashback to more colorful, and oftentimes more creative, cereal eras gone by. At least for now, these are chosen with no rhyme or reason other than “I like/remember/want to imagine growing up and watching anime with this one.”

Let’s dive into some mind’s-eyed munchies!

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