News: General Mills Monster Cereals are Oozing Back into Stores

(Image via General Mills)

(Image via General Mills)

Have you heard the howling?

I only ask because, after General Mills’ soft announcement of Count Chocula, Franken Berry, and Boo Berry Monster Cereals has left some monsterholics (not to be confused with the far less tame Monsterholics) a bit disappointed.

Typically built up with some sort of anticipation, early word on this breakfast time trio isn’t promising. It largely serves as a formal announcement of the Monster Crunch board game and puzzle, and it responds to fans’ collective clamoring for 20th century favorites Fruit Brute and Yummy Mummy’s return by saying their board game presence is an introduction of sorts. Their non-appearance has since been externally confirmed.

Whether this means they’ll debut at a later time or only in merchandise is unclear, but given that General Mills’ blog post states the Monster Cereals will be hitting shelves soon, that must mean their creative production is complete. So it stands to reason that the presence of last year’s boxes in the photo probably means we won’t be getting a new gimmick or art style this time around the corn husk-laden crypt.

Hey, at least we’ll be able to channel our emotions into spirited cardboard competition.

Now that’s just my prediction. I’ll eat my words with marshmallows if I’m wrong, but until we learn more, I’m just gonna sit here with the Monsters Go Disco on repeat and hope they at least reintroduce two other classic, fan favorite monsters: Dr. Oat & Mr. Flour.

11 responses »

  1. I can confirm General Mills is not planning Frute Brute and Yummy Mummy this year:

    “Hi Mikey! We’re really sorry to hear you’re missing Frute Brute and Yummy Mummy. They are back in the vault for now. We’ll let our team know you’d love them available again ASAP. Thank you!”

  2. Monsters Brand Team needs to be overhauled, can’t even fix the terrible all corn recipe. All they do is change the boxes and invent anything they can think of in an effort to distract people from how terrible the cereal tastes nowadays.

    Not even close to the same cereal, the boxes are the only thing similar in the two pictures. Look closely at the cereal pictures from the original boxes and then compare them to the present day recipe boxes & you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

    Too bad the Monsters taste horrible nowadays, nothing like the original oat flour, “Lucky Charms like” recipe that they were created to mimic.

    If General Mills ever changed the Lucky Charms recipe to all corn like they did with the Monsters back in 1992, they’d never sell another box.

  3. (1971-1992) they were originally made with a blend of oat flour & corn, delicious and sweet just like Lucky Charms. They all had a very distinct chocolate, strawberry, and blueberry flavor that was loaded with marshmallows. Three of the best cereals ever created.

    (1992-present) the recipe was changed to all corn in 1992, the cereal became bland with a horrible texture that was void of any real distinctive blueberry, strawberry, or chocolate taste, and a serious lack of marshmallows. Some of the worst tasting cereals still produced, the recipe change led to serious decline in sales, which then caused them to be sold once a year.

    Did General Mills lose the original recipe or something? They are now just an unacceptable excuses for, (a cereal that is now the same in name only), what used to be some of the best tasting cereals of all time!

    • Omg thanks for this info I really thought it was a thing I just out grew. I knew they use to be delicious just didn’t know why.

    • Mark M, I don’t know about you but personally I have a plan!

      Buy the strawberry blonde coldstone creamery cereal. Remove graham pieces and marshmallows.

      Remove marhmallows from a box of frankenberry.

      Not perfect, but a step closer to the taste of classic frankenberry.

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