Quick Review: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Soft Baked Bars

New Cinnamon Toast Crunch Soft Baked Bars Review Box

When it comes to Quick Reviews on this blog, I have a sordid history: 98% of the time that I title a post “Quick Review,” I end up removing the word “Quick” after effortlessly coasting past the 500-word mark. But this time, with Cinnamon Toast Crunch Soft Baked Bars, I’m committed to making this, perhaps, my shortest review ever. Why? Let me give you a few quick reasons:

New Cinnamon Toast Crunch Soft Baked Bars Review

1. Unlike the initial release of these Soft Baked Bars’ Lucky Charms cousins, CTC’s sweet little squares are available in reasonable per-box quantities: 6 vs. 40. Thankfully, those Lucky Charms Soft Baked Blondies are also now available in party-ready six-packs. So whether or not you like them, you won’t have to do what I did and mail a bunch of ’em across the country to get rid of ’em.

2. Not only will you go through a box quickly, but each Cinnamon Toast Crunch Soft Baked Bar is gone in a flash, too. It’s a tragedy that these bars are no bigger than Fiber One Brownies, because I really like them. You know what, I take back what I said in reason #1. Six is unreasonably low for the short period of edible enjoyment you’ll get out of these. You can’t exactly savor something so small, so a dozen per box might’ve felt more right.

3. Describing the appeal of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Soft Baked Bars can be done quickly, since they taste almost exactly like Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts, albeit without the filling. Way more brown sugary, doughy, and dense than actual Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, these Soft Baked Bars are simply delightful and not far from compact coffee cakes. There just aren’t enough of them in a box—I could get eight Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts, each of which is larger than a CTC Soft Baked Bar, for a lower price.

4. I’m sure these would make good, appropriately portion-sized treats for kids, but these bars can’t keep up with my high-paced lifestyle and the many sugary rectangles it requires me to inhale. Therefore, as I near 400 words, I must give Cinnamon Toast Crunch Soft-Baked Bars a score of:

7 babbling blog reviews out of 10

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