Spooned & Spotted (Canada): Classic Taste Honeycomb Cereal

Classic Honeycomb Taste - Bring Back Honeycomb Changed

Picture the end of Return of the Jedi, but instead of Ewoks and bonfires on Endor, it’s Ewoks and bonfires in the middle of a cereal aisle. And the grinning Force ghosts of Andre the Giant and your inner child are watching with approval.

Yes, friends: classic Honeycomb is back, and the Honeycomb Hideout belongs to the consumer once more.

Allow me to explain: last year, Post changed the ingredients of 50-year classic cereal Honeycomb to be all natural, branding it as having “BIGGER HONEY TASTE.” Seems pretty innocuous, right? I mean, Honey Nut Cheerios became gluten free without jeopardizing taste, right?

Cue the 300 comments and counting tell me I’m wrong. While I thought the new stuff wasn’t that bad, every person who grew up clutching a bowl of Honeycomb in Anytown, USA chimed in to bemoan the loss of, if you believe their stories, the very essence of their childhood, which was forcefully exorcised from them by faceless penny-pinching marketers. Perhaps my favorite elegy for the lost Honeycombs was this poetic take:

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I won’t downplay their sorrow. I know it means a lot to have something that has long meant a lot to you taken away, so I tried my best to encourage commenters to take action and tell Post, instead of me. And in an optimistic case study of the value of voting with your dollar, they listened.

As seen in this photo shared by Junk Food Jeff, Canadian stores are already stocking two Honeycomb options: the new, “Bigger Taste,” and an even newer, but also older, “Classic Taste” Honeycomb. And fear not, Harold Comb, age 58 from Tuscaloosa: Post has stated that Classic Honeycomb will be coming the the U.S. soon, too!

I’m so happy I could French kiss a bumblebee.

Thanks again to Junk Food Jeff for the pic. If you have some exciting cereal news of your own to share, check out our Submissions page!

32 responses »

  1. I am real cheap I never through away food but I through out a big box and a half of another big box of Honeycomb new cereal. It was horrible so bad in fact it has put me off morning cereal. I guess Post figured only kids eat it anyway and they won’t know the difference. But that is my opinion you might like it.

  2. I found this website when I searched the web if the original taste was available in Canada. I am on vacation in Oregon and noticed that they have “original flavour” here with a comment that says “it’s back”. This is the true old Honeycombs that we all loved but sounds like Post in Canada didn’t do the same thing. So sad. Looks like I will have to stock up before I come home to Canada.

  3. I hate the taste of the new version. The taste and texture are different and tastes more like cardboard. Bring back the old version and stop being cheap or you will lose a lot of past loyal supporters….

  4. I have been eating Honeycomb for decades and the classic is nothing like the original. The plan was for us to eat the bigger honey taste for a while and we would forget what the original tasted like. Then they would heroically introduce the new classic and we would think it was the original. It is slightly better than the yellow bigger honey taste but I am still passing on the classic.

    • I agree. Honeycomb used to be bigger and of varying sizes and crunchier and not as yellowy . Would love original Honeycomb cause this classic taste is still off in texture and taste . Probably won’t be buying any ever again .

    • Wrong! The Classic taste the same as the good old stuff.

      I have not been corrupted by the new formula, since I dumped it after one bite. I just never bought it again until the return of the Classic.

  5. I never got the new bigger ones and I was wondering why my box said classic taste when it tasted nothing like the cereal I loved.

    I came online to find out if they had changed the recipe or if I just got stale cereal.

    As it turns out, they put time and effort in making my cereal taste discusting. Not Impressed…

    Since those are the ones supposed to revert back to the “classic” taste I won’t buy them ever again.

  6. Yeah I’m pretty ticked off, I thought they would put it back to the way it used to be, but it’s still not good. The texture and taste is still wrong for the cereal.

  7. I hate the new honeycomb. There was nothing wrong with the old recipe. If post was really interested in consumers opinion they would of taken a pole before drastically changing one the best cereals. Voice your opinion.

  8. I hate the new Honeycombs. They are disgusting! Where is the flavor and I actually bit the inside of my face trying to chew them. I like them as a dry snack when watching TV or just sitting around? ( without milk)

  9. The new “classic taste” version is still made with corn as the main ingredient instead of Oats like the original. Being back the oats and stop being cheap!!

  10. I just received in the mail a “oops be goofed” notice from Post and a coupon for a free 400 g box of Honeycomb. I was excited since I complained last year about the horrible new stuff! But now reading the reports above I am disappointed that they can’t or won’t return to the original recipe. Soooo sad. I will redeem the coupon and donate the box of cereal to the local food bank.

    • OMG you got it. It did reminds me of the Alpha Bits as well.

      This is why the new Classic taste fools me thinking it haven’t changed. It’s because it’s so close to Alpha Bits ‘another childhood Classic’ that it sounds right.

      But yeah the New Classic is somewhere in between Classic Alpha Bits ans Honey Combs. I love both so it’s fine.

      How do you bet that they actually lost the original formula when they moved to the new formula?

  11. We got coupons for a free box of classic taste Honey Comb. Unfortunately only the taste is similar to what it used to be, it doesnt have the same texture as before. The packaging taste better than the product inside. Time to move on I guess, there is no need to keep beating this dead horse for another year.

  12. I have been eating Honeycombs for about 50 years (I’m 63). As well my children and grand children demand it when they come over. I remember when Coke made the same mistake many years ago. If it works, don’t fix it.

  13. It does not say “original” for a reason. It is not the original formulation. I noticed that it looked similar to the 2017 version. First few spoonfuls were not bad but then the texture started to get to me and then the aftertaste. I guess one good thing is it prevents carb loading…after one bowl you don’t want to eat another. I could eat 1/2 box of the original.

  14. The new classic taste is not like the original. The ingredients are different, taste and texture are different. They are not repugnant like the bigger honey variety but still not.ckose enough to buy again. Get stuffed Post, what the hell is wrong with you?

  15. Was excited to see the “Classic Taste” Honeycomb at the store yesterday. Well, just tasted it and am VERY disappointed. To me, the taste is closer to the new Honeycomb than the old one. It’s marginally different and it’s terrible. I’m throwing it out.
    I’m so frustrated with how companies are treating their loyal customers these days (they clearly do not care!). You’ve lost me Post. What a bad decision to change a favorite cereal.

  16. The “classic taste” is a combo between the new version and old….still not the original..but better than the new and improved…why can’t they go back to the original totally?? Obviously still trying to save money or something. I’m still going to email them and tell them to bring back the original.. nevermind this classic taste…

  17. The kids and I (I have four teenage daughters) have always had Honeycombs as kind of the backup cereal then they changed it to that new type and we all didn’t like it. We literally tossed the Box. now today we found the classic version.. the flavor is good, it is similar to the old style however one of the guys above^ says is correct, the pieces are uniform and have a different mealy texture. ..nothing like the original nor the previous version. I give it a happy medium but it’s a far cry from the original and the middle one. version 2 just was terrible so yeah I suspect the texture differences between the three to be directly related to production cost vs recipe change..

  18. The new honeycomb formula literally tasted like cardboard to me. I find it hard to believe any taste testers found it to be good. The classic better be just that or I’m going to throw a tantrum in fortinos.

  19. I complained to post the second they changed it, not only did it taste like garbage they also added soy (my gf is allergic) where the original recipe did not. When I saw the classic taste in the store I grabbed it as fast as I could could! The pieces seem smaller than I remember however the taste and texture were right back to the old deliciousness I remember! Thanks post for listening!

  20. Bought the new bigger honey taste honeycomb and was disgusted by it … sad that it had changed from years of buying, and convinced that I would never buy it again. Will try the new “classic” but the above comment does not have me too excited that they went back to the actual old reciepe. So Sad!

  21. Don’t get too excited. Bought the “Classic Taste Honeycomb” yesterday from our grocery store, $3.97 for a 400g box. It is better tasting than the “New Bigger Honey Taste Honeycomb” (my son didn’t spit it out this time) but definitely not the taste, look, or texture of the Honeycomb we all grew up with. Won’t be buying another box.

    Thornhill, Ontario, Canada.

    • i absolute agree 100%!!! the NEW “classic” is like a hybrid between the original and that terrible piece garbage “bigger honey taste” version. So my excitement was kind of shortly lived as it is still not the original to the T. but still better than that abysmal poisonous ooze that dried into the shapes of honeycombs…

    • I agree it’s certainly a step up but not what I would call their “classic” taste. It is not the original and I am very disappointed that they thought we would not notice!

    • I agree, same here. They brought back the old flavour, but is still a honey flavoured cheesy shaped like a honeycomb. I want the old texture back. Not this cheap crap.

  22. In Germany we have a great chant for such stuff… and since “Liberté, égalité, fraternité” wouldn’t work here, i’ll go with said chant:
    “Wir sind das Volk!” (“We are the people!”)

    It’s the second time a cereal company has to realize, that we, the costumers, tend to like nourishing breakfasts with less sugar, that keep us full a bit longer, more ever since the old days… but we LOVE our sweet dessert cereal (deCereal! ;)) even more and you better not touch it! 😀

    I really hope they finally realize, that we need different products/brand for a healthy breakfast (like all the Special K and Nestlé Fitness options), were they can leave artifical colors, sugar and all the “bad” stuff out, but still need sweet cereal for snacking, a feel good moment or just as dessert instead of a chocolate pudding…

    The times were you can market sweet cereal as a nutritious and healthy breakfast option are over and trying to please all the “perfect moms” out there, that wouldn’t buy their cereal whatever they will do, will do no good and will harm them. Sure they need other products, other cereal lines and maybe even another idea, but don’t try to make sweet stuff healthy… -.-

    When i buy chocolate, a burger or even the biggest donut in the world, i never intended to be healthy… i want taste (and some endorphins ;))
    It’s like all the low calorie ice cream option… they aren’t close to what real ice cream taste like or is and people realize that. It’s just that some option justify the lack of taste and structure, ’cause they really are LOW in calories. (the same for diet drinks ;))

    But neverless: I’m glad you guys get the “real” Honeycombs back soon. (and hell yes, i mean that totally unselfish… it’s not like i hope to eat the real stuff in the near future ;))


    PS: “And fear not, Harold Comb, age 58 from Tuscaloosa: Post has stated that Classic Honeycomb will be coming the the U.S. soon, too!” <— i'm sure one "the" has to be a "to" 😉 :p

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