Spooned & Spotted: Peanut Butter Chex & Mermaid Cereal

General Mills New Peanut Butter Chex Cereal

I have a theory: Chex and Cheerios are both ethereally and cereally soul bonded.

See, every flavored variant of normal Chex has a direct flavor analogue in the Cheerios canon. Blueberry and Blueberry. Chocolate and Chocolate. Cinnamon and Oat Crunch. Vanilla and Frosted. Honey Nut and You Know What. I can only assume this portal between worlds was torn asunder by Fred Chexter, the protagonist of Chex Quest whose Zorching weapons are capable of interdimensional rifting.

And now, though Multigrain Peanut Butter Cheerios have long ago returned to their home planet (presumably to be eaten by Poochie), General Mills’ latest Chex flavor finally completes the better half of the best Cheerios variety on shelves: Chocolate Peanut Butter.

Yes, thanks to this sample box shown and kindly shared by Tom K. on Instagram, we now have confirmation that Peanut Butter Chex will be hitting shelves soon. While Blueberry Chex were already great, the most interesting development here to me is how GM has traded up Blueberry’s Rice Chex base for a Corn Chex base. It might not be a universal opinion, but I feel the denser base works better for giving dusted-on or baked-in flavors better staying power, and in the case of PB Chex, I predict the toastiness of the corn will likely play well with a roasted nut butter flavor.

Though I will say that a Wheat Chex base would’ve given it a breadier cornerstone to mix up a hearty PB & Blueberry J Chex Cereal.

General Mills New Mermaid Cereal

But thatched and buttered cereal squares weren’t Tom’s only notable sample box to share. He also debuted a picture of General Mills’ upcoming Mermaid Cereal, which boasts fruit-flavored star and fish puffs in a color palette that can only be compared to 2003’s Nickelodeon Slime Cereal. So while Mermaid Cereal already gets eco-points for converting sea slime into marine life, its bedazzled name and concept feel almost too conveniently similar to Mermaid Froot Loops, which Kellogg’s debuted in Australia just months ago.

While I’ll certainly try this cereal—anything to support one of very few female cereal mascots—I’m uncertain whether its fruit flavoring and corn base will do anything to set it above Fruity Lucky Charms, a cereal so disappointing that any flavorful (or lack thereof) similarities could leave Mermaid Cereal dead in the water. Or at least the milk.

Thanks again to Tom for sharing his photos with us. If you’ve got an interesting cereal catch of your own—legumed, gilled, or otherwise—we invite you to visit our Submissions page.

One response »

  1. Mermaid cereal is something I must try once. I am a glutton for punishment when it comes to GM’s bad whole corn and fruit mashups.

    I keep thinking maybe General Mills finally got it right. Such naïveté on my part, fruit and corn will forever only work with the endosperm. If I want fiber with my breakfast I will add some real fruit as another component of the complete breakfast.

    The PB chex sounds off the hook however. I will inevitably buy a box of Chocolate Chex as well for mixing purposes.

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