Tag Archives: cookies & creme

Review: Cookies & Creme Krispies

Cookies & Creme Krispies Review Box

This is going to be a tough review to write. Not because Cookies & Creme Krispies are so rich with nuance that their abstract appeal defies conventional language. More like the opposite: this cereal is such a big yawn that my writerly brain is distracted,  grappling with daydreams of better cereals. Or any cereal, for that matter.

It’s no secret that I’m biased against Krispies, Pebbles, and any other cereal that lacks a certain stomach-smacking density. But for the sake of this review, I will say that Cocoa Krispies & Pebbles are growing on me as indulgent late-night bowls of sopping milked chocolate. Continue reading

News: Tropical Froot Loops Hit America + Cookies & Creme Krispies Aren’t Far Behind

Someone ask Gordon Ramsay for his best Caribbean fusion recipes, because in his words: “finally, some good f***ing food.”

The American debut of Tropical Froot Loops is incredible for two reasons: first, this originally Mexico-exclusive menagerie of looped Pineapples, Bananas, Oranges & Mangoes is so good that it seemed destined to be just the latest in a long line of creative breakfast explorations that never hit the U.S. Second, Froot Loops has been consistently missing the mark with its recent releases, so the introduction of what we can assume is the same winning formula (containing all kinds of rarely-seen-in-cereal fruit flavors) from south of the border is cause for celebration.

I swear, if Kellogg’s finds a way to bungle the best bits of Tropical Froot Loops during the cereal localization process, I’ll be giving my box a viking funeral. Continue reading