Tag Archives: eggo

News: Froot Loops Waffles Return

New Froot Loops Eggo Waffles

Ahh, I understand now why they changed the Toucan Sam’s design from a weird man-fingered abomination back to a logically feathered fella.

Because if Sam still had fingers, I could threaten to break them if he’s lying to me.

See, the official Eggo Facebook page posted about the return of Froot Loops Waffles—a cult favorite Eggo release from way back in 2003. But they did it on April Fools’ Day. Now typically, brand April Fools’ Day jokes are corporately mandated to be so ridiculously unbelievable that no one could take them seriously and like, sue or something. I’m talkin’ Eggo Motor Oil or Eggo Cat Litter.

So it feels like, at least to me, it would be cruel to tease a very real-looking product like these Froot Loops Waffles, just to have it be a sickening prank. So I’m gonna go ahead and believe that Froot Loops Waffles are actually making a comeback.

2003 Froot Loops Waffles

Personally, I just wish the old boxes were coming back. Look at how appetizing that golden-age old yeller goldenrod looks compared to the sterile sunniness of today’s Eggo boxes. And look at how young and whimsical Toucan Sam looks! I want that design of him tattooed next to my navel.

With a Froot Loop tatted around said belly button, of course.

No word on when these Waffles may or may not drop yet, but I’ll keep you posted when I learn more.

Review: Eggo Chocolate Waffle Cereal

New Chocolate Eggo Cereal Review Box

French toast? One iconic cereal.

Pancakes? Like, half of one cereal.

But waffles? Well they’ve got a whole father, son, & holy ghost type deal going on. Not to mention whatever divine misfire spawned this unsettlingly charming abomination. Yes, waffles are king of the bowled maple breakfast game, probably because they’re a) the most iconic, b) easy to translate into aerated cereal form, and c) the word “waffle” is just infinitely more fun to say. Waffle. Waffle.

It’s like I’m a dog asking to be thrown a whiffle ball!

Since waffles are so (w)awfully awesome, it’s no surprise that we’re getting a third entry into the rebooted Eggo Cereal franchise. Joining Homestyle Maple and Blueberry, Eggo Chocolate Waffle Cereal seems a bit strange when compared to the obvious Chocolate Chip Waffle Cereal they could’ve done, though I suppose I shouldn’t complain that we’re getting 100% chocolate immersion with this one. Or should ? That remains to be seen, tasted, and casually belched as I pat my soon-to-be cereal-swollen stomach.

Enough talk. L’Eggo! Continue reading