Spooned & Spotted: Hostess Twinkies Cereal

New Hostess Twinkies Cereal

Somebody call Cap’n Crunch, because there are some new golden doubloons hitting the breakfast table.

For the past three months, “Twinkies Cereal” has been phantasmically dancing atop the tongues of cereal lovers like Twinkie the Kid at whatever spectral square-dance they send brand mascots to to purgatorily pass time in between discontinuations. Sure, we’ve seen the theoretical box for a while, but Post has a (recent) history of leaking cereal ideas that never end up amounting to anything.

Stay gold, Teddy Grahams CerealStay golder than a Golden Graham.

But any doubt about these crunchy golden sponge-cakelets can finally be put to rest (in the family plot, between Fruit Pie the Magician and Happy Ho Ho). Thanks to continued correspondent Devin, we now have clear optics on the fully produced cereal itself, meaning it’s rapidly approaching release. And while it certainly looks just about how you’d expect—tragically, without the tiny, cream-stuffed exhaust holes on the bottom—Devin also provided his synopsis of the flavor:

“Tastes a lot like the Donettes cereal. The cereal itself seems familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it…”

With a forecast that titillating, I now feel I must steel my taste buds to try and recognize any arcane analogues. Here’s hoping it’s closer to “bowl full of mini Golden Oreos” than “bowl full of Golden Oreo O’s.”

2 responses »

  1. They could’ve used something for filling, I mean that’s the essence of a Twinkie. Otherwise it’s just angel food cake. Additionally, there are other cereals to reference that use filling: Fillows, Pop
    Tarts, Krave. I was hoping initial reports were incorrect regarding the lack of filling, guess not.

  2. I’m definitely eager to try this to see how close they can get to actual Twinkies flavor. Although Donettes cereal is great, that’s not really what I’d want for a Twinkies cereal. I’ll be waiting with bated breath for your review!

    I’ve been ridiculing the cereal companies’ recent “marbits solve everything” approach, but I’m actually surprised that this *doesn’t* have marbits to stand in for the filling. It’s probably only a matter of time.

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